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Tag: Small Business

Build Your Business: Workshop for Entrepreneurs in Milton



Building a new business or updating an old one is an overwhelming undertaking. Not many people can understanding how alone and lost you feel everyday.

This is a call out to all the local business owners in Milton, Ontario who are looking to work together to accomplish goals, support each other, and help each other through business problems.

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Profile of a GTA Portrait Photographer

Being the person behind the lens of Made by Ten has been an adventure. My past has shaped me into a GTA portrait photographer with the empathy and understanding to help women realize how amazing they naturally are. If you want to learn a little about my past please keep on reading.

Jonathan How Portrait Photographer Milton Toronto Ontario Canada

Be sure to read about who I am and the purpose of Made by Ten in our “About” page first!

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Why I’ll Never Stop Explaining How Great a Photographer I Am

As an entrepreneur/business owner I’ve learned that no one can fully appreciate my abilities and that’s why I’ll never stop explaining how great a photographer I am. And with that being said, the photo below has some glaring mistakes in it. But pointing it out is one way I show just how great a photographer I am. Not because I am perfect, but that I am able to accept that I make mistakes.

Great Photographer Appreciation GTA Toronto

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Generosity: Give Because You Want To

At a young age I was told to “give because you want to” and later in life, especially in business, I was told to “give to receive”. That has caused a bit of confusion in the way I operate and perhaps you have the same concern in your own day-to-day life. Do you find you’re just giving in the hopes of receiving or because you want to make people happy?

Generosity Give Portrait Photographer GTA Toronto

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